理事長 上昌広 剣道で学び、剣道に学ぶ75 「引退後が危ない アスリートの体重管理」 2024年11月号 https://www.fujisan.co.jp/product/689/b/2571044/
理事長 上昌広 【連載】剣道で学び、剣道に学ぶ76 「試合結果に一喜一憂 大学定期戦から学ぶ」 2024年12月号 https://www.fujisan.co.jp/product/689/new/
理事 尾崎章彦、研究員 小坂真琴 【インタビュー】地方の医療機関で働く東大医学部卒の医師たち その「思い」は? 2024年11/17号
理事長 上昌広 過去10年で最大の流行「マイコプラズマ肺炎」とは 知っておきたい感染経路、症状、検査、予防、治療 2024/10/30 https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/836675
AERA dot.
研究員 山本佳奈 トイレが血液で真っ赤に!20代から「痔」の女医が再発させてしまった生活習慣の変化 山本佳奈医師 ちょっとだけ医見手帖 2024/10/30 https://dot.asahi.com/articles/-/238531?page=1
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
研究員 坪倉正治 【講演】Nuclear Risk Communication Training Course (RCTC) - 2024 Edition 2024/10/29 https://www.oecd-nea.org/jcms/pl_93051/nuclear-r...
Reassessing physician interactions with pharmaceutical companies: A response to Murayama et al. and analysis of survey discrepancies
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Kinetics of humoral and cellular immune responses 5 months post-COVID-19 booster dose by immune response groups at the peak immunity phase: An observational historical cohort study using the Fukushima
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Japan's State of Emergency: How Political Decisions Affected Post-COVID-19 Syndrome
JMA J Kaneda Y 2024/6/10 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39114604/
Impact on step count by commitment-based health application
PLOS ONE Takebayashi M, Namba M, Koyama T, Kaneda Y, Kawaguchi H, Uemura C, Shibuya M, Murakami S, Fukuda H, Shibutani H 2024/8/12...
Evaluation of Nudge-Based Notification for Follow-Up Examinations in Health Check-Ups Targeting Occupational Health Staff and Undiagnosed Workers: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Cureus Takebayashi M, Mizota Y, Namba M, Kaneda Y, Takebayashi K, Shibutani H, Koyama T 2024/9/23 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39449904/
Enhancing Interest in Smoking Cessation Programs With Nudge-Incorporated Flyers: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Occupational Health Staff and Workers in Japan
Cureus Takebayashi M, Kaneda Y, Ouchi M, Sensui T, Yasaka K, Namba M, Takebayashi K, Shibutani H, Koyama T 2024/7/17...
Bridging Tradition and Innovation: The Hippocratic Oath and ChatGPT in Modern Healthcare
Iran J Public Health Kaneda Y 2024/7/17 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39086407/
An analysis of research grants allocated to researchers by the Smoking Research Foundation funded by Japan Tobacco Inc. in 2018
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研究員 坪倉正治 【連載】「坪倉先生の放射線教室」503 気体一部排出、圧力下げる 2024/10/26 https://www.minyu-net.com/news/detail/2024102613341628200
Non-consensual Sex Among Japanese Women in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Large-Scale Nationwide Survey-Based Study
Cureus Suzuki T, Kotera Y, Ozaki A, Tanimoto T, Bhandari D, Horiuchi S, Tabuchi T 2024/10/5 https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.70873
Disaster response and older adult cancer care in super-aged societies: insights from the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake in Oku-Noto, Japan
Frontiers in Public Health Yasui A, Kinoshita S, Endo M, Kaneda Y, Ikeguchi R, Yamamoto C, Abe T, Zhao T, Sawano T, Gonda K, Tsubokura M,...
Validation of the Japanese version of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4-J) to screen for depression and anxiety
Discov Ment Health Kotera Y, Kameo Y, Wilkes J, Jackson J, Beaumont J, Barnes K, Ozaki A, Miyatake H, Bakolis I, Ronaldson A 2024/10/7...
Primary breast lymphoma mimicking triple-negative breast cancer: a case report with clinical and pathological implications
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Fukushima Outpatient Pharmacotherapy Model for Breast Cancer
JMA Journal Ozaki A, Azami A, Azami Y, Sugeno T, Yasui A, Gonda K, Tanimoto T, Tachibana K, Ohtake T 2024/10/15...