Potential Risk of Overlooking Biased Reporting of Vaccination against Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019
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Japan's COVID-19 Treatment Strategy: An Examination of Approved Oral Medications
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A 9-Year Investigation of Healthcare Industry Payments to Pulmonologists in the United States
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Helicobacter pylori Eradication in the United States: A Deeper Exploration of Demographics, Strain
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Multisite Lifestyle for Older People after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
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Artificial Intelligence in Childcare: Assessing the Performance and Acceptance of ChatGPT Responses
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Breaking the silence: a new era for male sexual assault survivors in Japan
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Is it possible to generalise superspreading individuals or events of SARS-CoV-2?
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The rising threat of Mpox in Japan despite global decrease
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Five doses of the mRNA vaccination potentially suppress ancestral-strain stimulated
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Examination of Cluster Groups of Risk Behaviors and Beliefs Associated with Non-Communicable Disease
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Characteristics and Distribution of Scholarship Donations From Pharmaceutical Companies to Japanese
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Platelet Transfusion in Patients with Thrombocytopenia
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Post-traumatic growth caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and response to coronavirus disease
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A scoping review of maternal and neonatal health services impacted during COVID-19 in Nepal
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Revisiting Japan's early COVID-19 countermeasures
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ChatGPT in infectious diseases: A practical evaluation and future considerations
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Global vaccine equity: The G7's commitment and challenges
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Self-Compassion during COVID-19 in Non-WEIRD Countries: A Narrative Review
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Possibility for Children with Medical Complexities to Reach a 3000-m Peak: A Report of 2 Cases
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