How to Deal With the Risk of Evacuation of Psychiatric Hospital in Nuclear Disaster: A Case Study
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Duration and Influencing Factors of Postoperative Urinary Incontinence after Robot-Assisted Radical
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Antibody and T-Cell Responses against SARS-CoV-2 after Booster Vaccination in Patients on Dialysis:
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Japan's valsartan clinical trials shambles; time for fundamental changes
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Evaluation of non-research payments from pharmaceutical companies to urologists in Japan between
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Comparing the mental health of healthcare students: Mental health shame and self-compassion in
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Changes in the cause of death in Japan before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
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A longitudinal study of mental health in healthcare workers in Japan during the initial phase of
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Letter to the editor: Caregiver burden by treatment and clinical characteristics of patients with
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International comparison of pharmaceutical industry payment disclosures in the UK and Japan:
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Why Do They Not Come Home? Three Cases of Fukushima Nuclear Accident Evacuees
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Pharmaceutical Payments to Japanese Board-Certified Head and Neck Surgeons Between 2016 and 2019
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Importance of continuing health care before emergency hospital evacuation: a fatal case of a
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Breast Cancer Understanding Among University Students: A Rapid Review of Cross-country Comparisons
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Association between Poverty and Refraining from Seeking Medical Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic in
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Optic neuritis after mRNA vaccination against COVID-19: a secondary analysis of post-approval
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Importance of continuing health care before emergency hospital evacuation: a fatal case of a
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The influence of information sources on intention changes to receive COVID-19 vaccination: A
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